What is StorageVault™ offsite Backup Service?
StorageVault™ is an offsite backup solution that you or your company will use to replace your current media based backups with. Whether you're using CD's, backup Tapes, an external hard drive you can now backup your data without the hassle of moving your data offsite, remember to backup, possibly deleting your important information on accident and more.

StorageVault utilizes your internet connection and our redundant Hard Disk Drive array's to schedule your backups securely, efficiently, and easily.


Isn't a media based backup better?

Media Backups


Orchestrating a media-based backup is time-consuming and prone to human error.

With StorageVault™ our experts will help you configure your backup and you're set. It is fully automated so the risk of human error is eliminated.

Transportation of media to and from the off-site storage area is necessary and time-consuming.

StorageVault™ gets your data off-site for you. Plus, you can schedule backups to occur every night after your office is closed. No more room for human error, no more tapes to keep track of and transport to off-site locations.

The recovery process is unreliable and even more time-intensive than transporting media off-site. Plus, restoring down to the single file level can be very difficult.

With StorageVault™ you can restore a single file or an entire directory with minimal effort!

The recovery process is unreliable and even more time-intensive than transporting media off-site. Plus, restoring down to the single file level can be very difficult. StorageVault™ gives you instant access to a minimum of 20 historical versions (or more if requested) of your files so you can restore a file as it existed weeks ago or even months ago.
How do you know if all your files were actually backed up properly? StorageVault™ will automatically notify you via email if a backup session does not run properly.


Aren't Media Back-ups Cheaper?
It may appear that way at first glance. But do you really know how much media backups are costing your firm?

Consider these expenses:

  • Employee time spent doing the backup and transporting the media off-site. With StorageVault™, you eliminate this expense entirely.
  • Cost of media and replacement of burners or tape drives - StorageVault™ absorbs the costs of the storage equipment... you never have to worry about costly hardware (or software) again.
  • The excessive cost of not being able to restore critical business data when you need it. When you experience your first data loss and are able to completely restore with StorageVault™, the money you save will pay for StorageVault™ for the next decade.

Bottom Line: Your business data is too important to trust to human error and various media. And your employees' time is too valuable to waste on this task. Today there is a better, safer solution: StorageVault™.

Convinced? Great, click here to see How it Works.